At the start of August, Alessio Figalli was awarded the Fields Medal. This distinction is often referred to as the Nobel Prize for mathematicians and is a cause for major celebration. ETH Zurich is to mark this special occasion with a honorary lecture on 22 October 2018. The lecture will also be broadcast via live streaming.

Enlarged view: On 22 October 2018, ETH Zurich will mark the award of the Fields Medal with Alessio Figalli in the form of a public lecture. (Photograph: IMU / ETH Zurich)
On 22 October 2018, ETH Zurich will mark the award of the Fields Medal with Alessio Figalli in the form of a public lecture. (Photograph: IMU / ETH Zurich)

Alessio Figalli, Professor of Mathematics at ETH Zurich, was awarded the Fields Medal on 1 August 2018 for his contributions to the theory of optimal transport and its application to special partial differential equations, metric geometry and probability.

To celebrate this extraordinary achievement in a fitting manner, the President of ETH Zurich, Lino Guzzella, ETH members and the public are invited to a public lecture by Alessio Figalli followed by a drinks reception:

“The beauty of nature and the art of problem-solving.”
An evening with Fields medallist Alessio Figalli

Monday, 22 October 2018
5.15 p.m. to 6.15 p.m.
in the Audi Max (HG F30) followed by a drinks reception

5.15 p.m. Welcome and congratulatory address by Lino Guzzella, President of ETH Zurich
5.25 p.m. Alessio Figalli, Professor of Mathematics at ETH Zurich presents his research in layman’s terms
5.45 p.m. Moderated discussion with Alessio Figalli and his PhD supervisors Luigi Ambrosio, Professor at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and Cédric Villani, winner of the Fields Medal in 2010, Professor at the Université Lyon 1 and Member of the French National Assembly.

Live streaming of the honorary lecture

Due to high demand in Alessio Figalli's honorary lecture, the seats are already fully booked. ETH members and the public are invited to follow the lecture live, as ETH Zurich will organise a live streaming of the event. Further information will follow.

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