Wanted: Contributions for the next "life" magazine

For the December issue of "life" magazine, we are looking for contributions for two different sections: For & Against and the Snapshot. Would you like to write an opinion piece on why Cc is or isn't needed in emails? Or do you have an eye for image details?

Three covers of Life magazine

What do you think is the right way to use Cc: should you copy as few people as possible to Cc for their information? Or do you think that Cc is the perfect way to keep colleagues or supervisors up to date via email? We are looking for two ETH members who are willing to give their opinion in the next issue of "life" magazine in a short article - be it in favour of or against Cc.

Are you interested in writing an opinion piece for the December issue of "life" magazine? Then get in touch with the editorial team by Monday, 28 October via e-mail: .


No more opinion pieces wanted. Thank you for your interest!

The Snapshot – an ETH photo puzzle

The Snapshot shows a puzzling detail from an ETH building, where ETH members can guess where the picture was taken. The quickest guess wins an item from the ETH Store. Anouk Schuler, a third-year mediamatics apprentice, took a picture for the current issue of "life" magazine.

Do you work in a building with exciting corners or architectural details? Or do you regularly pass a particularly unusual place or a hidden sculpture on campus? Then send us a photo with a detailed shot - preferably in portrait format, preferably in high resolution. The "life" editorial team will then select a suitable picture for the December issue.

We look forward to receiving your Snapshot submissions by Friday, 8 November via e-mail to the "life" editorial team: .

Do you receive the "life" magazine in the desired format?

The autumn issue of "life" magazine has just been published and is available to read online. You can set up whether you would like to receive the magazine electronically or in paper form via Addresses and personal details.

Note on the translation

This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. Although reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, it may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.

Should you come upon significant translation mistakes, please send a short message to so that we can correct them. Thank you very much.

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